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How to get to Wild Taiga


Flights from Helsinki to Kajaani are operated by Finnair. Flight time is 1 h 20 minutes. Kajaani airport is approximately one hour drive from Kuhmo and Suomussalmi. Flight schedules and bookings via Finnair website.

The airports of Oulu, Kuusamo and Kuopio with their flexible connections to Europe are a short distance away. When travelling to northern part, to Suomussalmi and Hossa, you can check the flights to Oulu and Kuusamo airports. Direct flights from Munich to Oulu are operated by Lufthansa twice a week.

When travelling to southern Kuhmo or North-Karelia region you can use the Kuopio airport or the Joensuu airport.

Please note, transfers to and from the airport are included in many of the packages, but if those are excluded, those should be booked in advance from Taxies: Kuhmo + 358 44 5698217 or Suomussalmi +358 400 306 305.


Train and bus

It is easy to get to region whether by road, aeroplane or rail. Travelling within the region is easy, as the roads are in good condition and not congested. You can drive through idyllic villages and on forest roads and glimpse everyday life of the region- in addition to the minor roads the area has well-maintained highways.

The main railway routes to Kajaani are: Oulu-Kajaani from the west, Helsinki-Kuopio-Kajaani from the south. The train stations are in Kajaani ( Kuhmo 102 km) and Kontiomäki (Suomussalmi 85 km). Travelling time from Helsinki to Kajaani during the day is from 5,5-7,5 hours.

More information about the train connections from VR

The excellent network of long-distance express bus services between the larger towns in Finland offer the easy way to travel to and within Kainuu region.

More information about the bus connections from Matkahuolto Matka


Finland offers drivers a well-maintained network of roads and motorways. The main road going through the region from south to north is highway 5, E63.

To transfer from airports or train stations to remote locations you can check possibilities and prices from the tourism companies operating in that area. When driving your own or a rental car in Finland, you can easily reach Kuhmo and Suomussalmi by following the E-5 highway, or taking the Via Karelia tourist route along the eastern border.

When travelling from west, visitors can follow the waterways for 350 km from Oulu Town to Kuhmo along the official touring route, the Tar Route.

If you wish to travel to Russia via Vartius international border station (in Kuhmo), please notice that you need to apply for a Russian visa in advance. Since 15th April 2024 the border crossing in the the entire land border between Finland and Russia is closed until further notice, yet only as long as necessary.

Wild Taiga summer