Kuhmo Chamber Music’s second livestream concert

Kuhmo Chamber Music’s second livestream broadcast this summer is on Monday
27 July at 19:00. This time the focus is on the clarinetist Lauri Sallinen,
from Kuhmo, and the pianist Marko Hilpo, from Helsinki.
The programme consists of some pre-recorded material and a live broadcast.
There will be a direct link from the Kuhmo Arts Centre. The pre-recorded
material was produced outside the Amatti Café and there will be more from
the Kuhmo Church, and also, weather permitting, the countryside near the
town. On the programme are Robert Schumann’s Three Fantasy Pieces for
clarinet and piano, Op. 73, Outi Tarkiainen’s Sans Paroles, Francis
Poulenc’s Clarinet Sonata FP 184 and Edvard Grieg’s Lyric Pieces.
A link to the broadcast will be found on the Festival’s Facebook page at
www.facebook.com/kuhmofestival just
before 19:00. On the following day the concert will be on the Festival’s
YouTube channel.
Kuhmo’s first livestream broadcast was on 12 July. In that programme,
violinists Minna Pensola and Antti Tikkanen told their own Kuhmo story. It
can be found on YouTube by searching for Kuhmofestival. A third broadcast is
planned for August/September. Livestream broadcasts receive support from the
Regional Council of Kainuu.
Further information: Kuhmo Chamber Music, tel. +358 44 544 5162